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Feng Shui Wu
Feng Shui shuai
Feng Shui Fu

Chinese Zodiac


Born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

Monkey: You are a vary intelligent and a very clever wit. Because of your extraordinary nature and magnetic personality, you are always well-liked.

Destiny Forecast in the Year of the Mouse (2008-2009)

Overall Forecast:
In this year, your destiny is not so good in general. You may encounter a lot of obstacles and fluctuations. You may have the tendency to be so pessimistic and have negative perspective in many aspects.

You will encounter so many obstacles and you career development will be cumbered by various issues. Also, you are recommended to keep yourself out of gossips since you probably can always be the centre of rumors.

Since you will encounter a lot of difficulties in many aspects, so you will be so nervous in this year. Therefore, you are recommended to spend more time to take rest. Otherwise. your health condition can deteriorate so quickly.

You may have big fluctuations in your financial status in this year. Sometime you may find good chances to earn more but sometimes you may find there is not virtual increase in your wealth. Therefore, you are recommended to save money for your rainy days.

In general, if you are married or have stable relationship, you will have good love relationship with your lover usually. On the contrary, if you are single, you will not have good chance to find your true love in this year.

Forecast for the Year of the Tiger (2010-2011)
Forecast for the Year of the Pig (2007-2008)
Forecast for the Year of the Rooster (2006-2007)

Destiny Forecast in the Year of Mouse (2008-2009) of other Chinese Zodiac:
Mouse, Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep (or Goat), Rooster, Dog, and Pig.


Other Feng Shui Fortune Telling Services:
Full Life Fortune Telling Report
10-Year Major Destiny Fortune Telling Report
Event Consultancy
Love Compatibility
Lucky Chinese Name

Details of Full Life Chinese Fortune Telling Service USD75.0/report

How different are you from everyone else? How different do you want to be? It is a detailed report covers your whole life with 12 aspects (Palaces/Houses) and provide suggestions for you to do the good thing that coincide with the fortune at particular time. Otherwise,Click here to order the Full Life Chinese Fortune Telling Service the inconsistence can weaken your fortune or bring you bad luck instead! Click Here for more detail..

Details of 10-Year Major Destiny Chinese Fortune Telling Service USD45.0/report

This report analysis your major destiny for a 10-year period. From the report, you can know which 10-year major destiny your are going on, understand your major destiny in this period and have predictions for your reference. Also,Click here to order the Full Life Chinese Fortune Telling Service you can have detail analysis in Love, Career, Wealth and Health in this period.  Click Here for more detail..

Details of Love Compatibility Chinese Fortune Telling Service USD45.0/report

This is a fully comprehensive report of your own and your lover/spouse's love destiny and your relationship. It may help you to ascertain who is the love of your life and analysis the love compatibility between you and your lover/spouse. It will also include some key aspects of your Click here to order the Full Life Chinese Fortune Telling Servicerelationship that may help you to understand more about you and your lover/spouse.  Click Here for more detail.

Details of Event Consultancy Chinese Fortune Telling Service USD15.0/report

A consultancy report for a particular issue in either Love, Luck,Click here to order the Full Life Chinese Fortune Telling Service Career, Family, Wealth, Friendship and so forth aspects based on Chinese Fortune Telling analysis. Click Here for more detail.

Details of Lucky Chinese Name Translation Service USD25.0/report

Translate your name to Chinese name that meets your Bazi (natalClick here to order the Full Life Chinese Fortune Telling Service date) and synergies with your fortune and brings you good luck. Click Here for more detail.

Chinese Fortune Telling Feng Shui (Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Horoscopes, Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Astrology) is the extract of the traditional Chinese wisdom and is proven to be worthful even in today's world. It is widely applied for reference in problem solving, fortune telling and home Feng Shui decorating to bring good luck. This online fortune telling site is operated by a famous Feng Shui Master (Chinese Fortune Teller, online fortune teller, Astrologer), Master Wu, he is offering his online Chinese Fortune Telling services based on his professional knowledge in Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology or Chinese Zodiac. The online fortune telling and forecast services based on Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Zodiac and Chinese Astrology to analyze and forecast your destiny for entire life, love compatibility, career, wealth, Chinese Name Translation, etc. This site also includes information in Chinese fortune telling as well Chinese horoscope, Chinese astrology, Chinese zodiac, Bazi matching, 4-Pillar fortune telling, love horoscope, destiny prediction and Ziweidoushu.

Chinese Astrology Zi Wei Dou Shu Ba Zi Yi Jing(I Ching) Chinese Zodiac Site Map

Feng Shui (Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Horoscopes, Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Astrology) is the extract of the Chinese wisdom and is proven to be worthful even in today's world. It is widely applied for reference in problem solving, fortune telling and home decorating to bring good luck. This site is operated by a famous Feng Shui Master(Chinese Fortune Teller, online fortune teller), Master Wu, he is offering his online Chinese Fortune Telling services.

Copyright: Master Wu. All rights reserved.