Born in 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.
Rabbit: You are the kind of person, that people like to be around
affectionate, obliging, always pleasant. You have a tendency, though, to get too
sentimental and seem superficial.
Destiny Forecast in the Year of the Rabbit (2011-2012)
Overall Forecast:
This year is also the Year of Rabbit, same as your Chinese Zodiac. So, you are
said to be conflicted with the year, i.e., in general, your overall destiny in
this year is not very good. Instead, you my encounter quite many barriers and
fluctuations. There is not powerful auspicious star to relieve the negative
effects in your destiny in this year, therefore, you may expect that you may
have to work harder but the rewards are not as your expectations always. Anyway,
you are not have to be too pessimistic, but you are recommended to play more
safely and think twice before making major changes.
Your career destiny is not very good in this year. You may find that there are
quite many obstacles in the path to success. Even you work very hard and tough,
the results are just not as good as you hope so. There are quite many challenges
you may encounter. There are also chances that you will be plotted against by
enemies and you may find there are quite many gossips around you sometimes.
Also, you may find you will be in some dilemma conditions and you may be losing
your direction and don't know how to cope with the situations.
You wealth destiny may be quite fluctuating in this year. You may earn your
reasonable income in some times, however, most of the time you just find your
financial status is not very good. You may have some expenditures which are out
of your plan and can cause you to be quite worried. Anyway, you are recommended
to cut your coat according to your cloth and save for your raining days. Also,
you are strongly recommended not to indulge in gambling or high risk investments
or else you can get lose and you will regret very much.
Your health destiny is also not very good. There are chances that you may be
hurt in some accidents. Therefore, you should play extra attention when taking
part in high risk activities. Also, since your overall destiny is not very good
and you may encounter so many difficulties, you may find there are quite many
stresses around you. so, you are recommended to learn how to let yourself to be
relaxed in some times as well.
If you are single, there are less chances that you can meet your ideal lover in
this year. If you are married or have stable lover, you may find you can't have
very good communication with your lover/spouse. Maybe, you can't control your
temper very well due to your stresses from various aspects in this year.
Actually, you should be aware that in your downturns, you need more support from
people around. You are recommended to share your feeling of worry and
anxiousness with your lover/spouse, and then you may find the situation can be
better than confronting your adversities alone.
How different are you from everyone else? How different do you want to be? It is a
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This report analysis your major destiny for a 10-year period. From the report, you
can know which 10-year major destiny your are going on, understand your major
destiny in this
period and have predictions for your reference. Also, you can have detail
analysis in Love, Career, Wealth and Health in this period.
Click Here for more detail..
is a fully comprehensive report of your own and your lover/spouse's love destiny
and your relationship. It may help you to ascertain who is the love of your life
and analysis the love compatibility between you and your lover/spouse.
It will also include some key aspects of your
relationship that may help you to
understand more about you and your lover/spouse. Click
Here for more detail.
A consultancy report for a particular issue in either Love, Luck,
Career, Family, Wealth, Friendship and so forth aspects based on
Chinese Fortune Telling analysis.Click Here for more detail.
Translate your name to Chinese name that meets your
Bazi (natal date) and synergies with your fortune and brings you good luck.
Click Here for more detail.
Chinese Fortune Telling
Feng Shui (Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Horoscopes, Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Astrology) is the extract of the traditional Chinese wisdom and is proven to be worthful even in today's world. It is widely applied for reference in problem solving, fortune telling and home
Feng Shui decorating to bring good luck. This online fortune telling site is operated by a famous Feng Shui Master (Chinese Fortune Teller, online fortune teller,
Astrologer), Master Wu, he is offering his online Chinese Fortune Telling services based on his professional knowledge in Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology or
Chinese Zodiac. The online fortune telling and forecast services based on Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Zodiac and Chinese Astrology to analyze and forecast
your destiny for entire life, love compatibility, career, wealth, Chinese Name Translation, etc. This site also includes information in Chinese fortune telling
as well Chinese horoscope, Chinese astrology, Chinese zodiac, Bazi matching, 4-Pillar fortune telling, love horoscope, destiny prediction and Ziweidoushu.